e-Ginny blog
One major advantage of the new Volvo IPS units is their extremely high manoeuvrability, which negates the need for bow thrusters. Therefore, by removing the bow thrusters (and blacking off the spaces to reduce drag) we can greatly increase e-Ginny’s speed and efficiency.

Next, Goodchild Marine removed the stern and we began preparing the hull for next steps. Before we could continue, however, we had to put up scaffolding around the vessel and erect a work tent to allow further external work even through difficult and unpredictable winter weather.

Port engine room fibreglass removed in preparation for framework

Scaffolding around the vessel

Scaffolding and wrap complete
From the safety of our new work tent, the new hull shape was created by CNC cutting interlocking timber frames to the outside of the hull. These frames were then completely boarded out, ready for laminating works to begin.

Watch this space for an update on our ongoing mission to reduce weight, our progress on new installations and the final results from laminating the hull.